First Name:
Last Name:
Associate Professor
Organization/Affiliation (no abbreviation):
University of California San Francisco
United States
Short Biography:
Dr. Zanto is an Associate Professor in Neurology at UCSF and Director of the UCSF Neuroscape Neuroscience Division. Dr. Zanto 's research utilizes fMRI, EEG, and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques to study neural mechanisms at the intersection of attention, perception, and memory. His research couples these neuroimaging tools with physiological recordings such as EMG, ECG, EGG, EDA, respiration and blood pressure to understand how the brain and body coordinate to promote successful cognition and positive emotional states. His translational research interests are to understand the role of neural entrainment in cognitive control and how it may be used as a potential therapeutic, particularly in the aging population. Notably, Dr. Zanto is assessing how neural entrainment affects basic cognitive control functions and whether select cognitive functions may be improved through neural entrainment with musical rhythms or with non-invasive oscillatory electrical neurostimulation.